
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bethanny's Getting Married

I'm obsessed with Bethenny lately!! I have to say, I thought she would be horrid, but I actually really like her and keep finding myself drawn to knowing more, and I really respect her business sense. She does not (at least it seems to me) try so hard to sell herself like many others do, thus drawing me in to search out about her further myself. Fabulous!

I started somewhat innocently, when lying half dead on the couch with my drawn out 'morning' sickness with my second pregnancy (hardly morning, more ALL day and ALL night, how is that even possible?!) And could barely function, let alone focus my eyes on reading or processing anything too deep, thus my fragile state caught wind of TLC and all those other networks I've never had time for before, but now happily DVR constantly!

So, this show is MUCH better than the others since it just concentrates on a Happy Bethenny. A newlywed (we even went through the whole wedding production, yah!) and she was already about to pop with her baby, and then we live through a gorgeous honeymoon in St. Barts or somewhere I certainly could not get to for mine, nor act the way she was able to freely act! She has a great figure, even highly pregnant, that I find myself striving to achieve, but yet don't feel pressured or bad about myself over either. Nice bonus! This is why I am drawn to her. It's kinda like the older sister syndrome where I am learning from her and gaining my own confidence.

So, what do you think? Do you like the show, too? Have you already found her website and read pages of her book on Amazon already, too? Can't wait to order it up!